We did it. WAHOO!!
Thurgood Marshall — Scene 15


Celebrate Brown v. Board with a reading or production of the play Now Let Me Fly!

Graphic: Thumbprint."Are you with me? Are we gonna walk? Are we gonna fly?"
   Barbara Johns — Scene 7

Marcia Cebulska's inspiring, educational and entertaining play is based on oral histories and personal interviews with the real people involved in the struggle leading to Brown v. Board.

Graphic: Thumbprint."'Separate But Equal?' Show me the equal!"
   Thurgood Marshall — Scene 2

With the invaluable leadership of Thurgood Marshall and the NAACP, Brown v. Board jump-started the civil rights movement by overturning "Separate But Equal." Years before that landmark court case, brave citizens held grassroots meetings across the nation in homes, schools, church basements and barbershops. In honor of their courage, Now Let Me Fly takes us again to our community meeting places, this time for an uplifting play that brings to life the unsung heroes and heroines who set the stage for legal action.

Graphic: Thumbprint."A little less 'mad' and a little more 'do.'"
   Gardner Bishop — Scene 5

Now Let Me Fly is available in three versions and is royalty-free for most performances. Now Let Me Fly has been performed at over 100 venues, including schools, colleges, theatres and other organizations, and has been used by teachers in thousands of classrooms around the world.

Graphic: Thumbprint."Go on now, fly!"
   Charles Houston — Scene 14

Help keep the Brown v. Board story alive and join us in this exciting theatrical act of unity. You can open hearts and minds, bringing the issues of race, education and equality to the forefront of the national dialogue.

Ready? Set? Click your way to 10 Steps to plan your reading or production!