We did it. WAHOO!!
Thurgood Marshall — Scene 15

Now Let Me Fly Script


Please be sure to read about Now Let Me Fly.

Now Let Me Fly makes use of the language of the period it depicts. It occasionally uses non-standard English as well. There is no sexually explicit language in the text. The characters in Now Let Me Fly are largely based on real people and events. However, the dialog and actions in the play are, for the most part, composed by the author. This play is a work of fiction and no claim is being made that these events occurred exactly as written.

The script is available in three versions:

The Easier Youth Version (i.e., Readers Theatre Version EY) will take approximately 20 minutes to read and provides a simpler shorter text. It is suitable for elementary school audiences, special education classes, classroom readings with young student actors, and those needing an abbreviated version.

The Youth Version (i.e., Readers Theatre Version Y) will take about 45 minutes to read. It provides an alternative for those wishing to use a less sensitive text than the Full Version and is recommended for middle and high school students. Please read both Youth Versions before deciding which one is suitable for your classroom.

The Full Version (i.e., Readers Theatre Version A) will take 60-75 minutes to read. This version of the script does make use of some powerful language that might be considered sensitive or controversial in some communities or schools.

Agreement for Presenters

Participation in A Nation Acts requires that presenters agree to the following:

Royalties and Royalty Waivers

Professional productions are subject to royalties and must receive permission from the playwright. Professional productions are those in which any actor is paid OR admission is charged. Please initiate your request via our contact form.

Several categories of performance are exempt from royalties through the generous support of Washburn University. These include both readings and full productions. The following are exempt from royalties:

  1. All elementary, middle and high school performances performed live by students of the school whether in the classroom or for the public;
  2. all college and university performances that are performed live by students at their own college or university;
  3. all live performances for which there is no admission charge and for which performers have received no payment.

Royalty-exempt performances should acknowledge the contribution of Washburn University on written program material. (If none exists, acknowledgement may be given orally.) The following wording is suggested:

"Royalties for NOW LET ME FLY sponsored by Washburn University."

Please note that no performance may be recorded in any manner without the express written permission of the playwright.

To ensure that we have the best record of the success of this project, all productions, readings and performances of NOW LET ME FLY should be registered.


How To Get The Script

To request a copy of the script for a royalty-exempt performance please initiate your request via our contact form. In your request, please indicate the version or versions of the script suitable for your intended audience.